Særdeles lækkert hoppeføl
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N/N:FSS - Free
Indavl ved 5 generationer 0,0 % - inbreed 5 generations 0,0 %
Forædlings procent 30,2 %
Safina vinder af Blue Hors Følchampionat 2024.
**Winner of the Blue Hors Foal Championship 2024
Safina´s mor Zantana kåret i RDH, fik til stationsafprøvning flotte karakter, bla. 8,5 for galop og kapasitet, samt flotte 9,0 for trav, herefter finder du hele 5 ELITE RDH hopper, mormor var fløjhoppe som 4 års til kåring, i mellemrunden som 4 års i dressur og i avlen har hun lavet 2 A-Heste i dressur, begge avlet her på stutteri. Oldemor har lavet 2 BRDH hopper, hvor den ene i dag er på vores stutteri (Jakas Magic, hun er B-Hest i dressur) 2 heste der har gået Grand Prix i USA.
Hingstene på hoppestammen bag føllet finder vi flere internationale Grand Prix hingste, Blue Hors ST. Schufro
Blue Hors Zack, Ferro, Jazz, Roemer og Cocktail.
Blue Hors Romancier A-Hest og startet international PSG/Inter I
Blue Hors Agent er A-hest i både spring og dressur, han har gået international PSG/Inter I
Profil St. Schufro
St. Schufro var præmiehingst ved hannoveranerkåringen i 2013, vinder af den danske 35-dages test i 2014 med 864,5 point, hvorefter han blev fløjhingst i 4-års holdet ved Dansk Varmblods hingstekåring i Herning i 2015.
Hans far, St. Moritz Jr., var selv præmiehingst i Verden i 2009 og aflagde en særdeles god 30-dages test i Neustadt/Dosse med karakterer fra 8,88 til 9,25 samt kvalificerede sig til bundeschampionatet.
Hans mor, Wie Princess, er også mor til hingsten Finest, der ligeledes blev præmiehingst i Verden i 2013. Ud af St. Schufros hoppestamme er der ligeledes flere kårede avlshingste: Aderlass, der var fløjhingst i Hannover i 1971, Lindberg, Campbel Czech samt adskillige S-heste både i dressur og springning. St. Schufros morfar kræver ingen større præsentation – det er vores egen Blue Hors Don Schufro. I tredje generation kommer hingsten Atatürk, som er far til et stort antal sportsheste både indenfor dressur og springning.
I sommeren 2022 tog de den internationale scene med storm, da de blev kåret som vindere af Grand Prix Freestyle med 81.080 % ved CDI Falsterbo, ligesom de også vandt Nations Cup med det danske hold! Senere, i vinteren 2022/2023, gjorde de deres indtog i World Cup sammenhænge, hvor de først ved World Cup Vilhelmsborg blev dobbelt toer i både Grand Prix og Freestyle. I januar 2023 deltog de igen i World Cup kvalifikationerne, denne gang ved World Cup Mechelen, hvor ide blev placeret som nummer 4 i Grand Prix’en. Ved CDI Herning, der blev afholdt under Dansk Varmblods hingstekåring i Herning, blev de toer med 76.543 % i den indledende CDI5* Grand Prix, imens de dagen efter tog sejren i den CDI5* Grand Prix Freestyle med vilde 84.360 %
Safina´s mom Zantana graded RDH, got a nice character at station testing, among other things. 8.5 for canter and capacity, nice 9,0 for trot, after her you find the whole 5 ERDH mares, grandmother was in the top as 4 years and in the breeding she made 2 A-Horses in dressage, both bred on our stud. Grandmother has made 2 BRDH mares, one of which is at our stud (Jakas Magic, she is B-Horse in dressage) 2 horses who have gone Grand Prix in the US, both full brothers to Florenzo's grandmother
The stallions at dameline behind the foal we find several stallions who have gone international Grand Prix
Father: Blue Hors St. Schufro
Blue Hors Zack, Blue Hors Romancier, Ferro, Jazz, Roemer and Cocktail
Blue Hors Agent is an A-horse in both jumping and dressage, he has startet international PSG / Inter I
Profile St. Schufro
St. Schufro was a prize stallion at the Hanoverian selection in 2013, winner of the Danish 35-day test in 2014 with 864.5 points, after which he became wing stallion in the 4-year-old team at the Danish Warmblood stallion selection in Herning in 2015.
His father, St. Moritz Jr., was himself a prize stallion in Verden in 2009 and completed a very good 30-day test in Neustadt/Dosse with grades from 8.88 to 9.25 and qualified for the national championship.
His mother, Wie Princess, is also the mother of the stallion Finest, who was also prize stallion in the World in 2013. Out of St. Schufro's mare stock also has several selected breeding stallions: Aderlass, who was wing stallion in Hanover in 1971, Lindberg, Campbel Czech and several S-horses in both dressage and jumping. St. Schufro's grandpa needs no introduction – it's our very own Blue Hors Don Schufro. In the third generation comes the stallion Atatürk, who is the father of a large number of sport horses both in dressage and jumping.
In the summer of 2022, they took the international scene by storm when they were named winners of the Grand Prix Freestyle with 81.080% at CDI Falsterbo, just as they also won the Nations Cup with the Danish team! Later, in the winter of 2022/2023, they made their foray into World Cup contexts, where they first came second at World Cup Vilhelmsborg in both Grand Prix and Freestyle. In January 2023, they again participated in the World Cup qualifiers, this time at the World Cup Mechelen, where ide was placed number 4 in the Grand Prix. At the CDI Herning, which was held during the Danish Warmblood stallion judging in Herning, they came second with 76.543% in the preliminary CDI5* Grand Prix, while the following day they won the CDI5* Grand Prix Freestyle with a wild 84.360%